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Preventing #SummerSlide for our newest alumni (and oldest students)

CSFP believes that access to safe, quality K-8th grade education sets children up for future success. Yet we know that school is in session for roughly 180 days a year, and children need additional learning opportunities outside of class time, as well. That is why we offer supplemental programs, like our annual Summer Tutorials, throughout the year.

Each July, CSFP invites students entering 8th and 9th grades to participate in a free, three-week tutoring session, to prepare them for high school. We contract experienced local teachers to lead evening classes on Math and Writing. These core subjects can prove the most challenging in the first few months of high school and we want our students to enter high school prepared and confident. In 2016, we began to offer an additional coding component to our program, to help expose our students to new career options and courses of study in a rapidly changing academic environment.

Parent Jonelle enrolled her daughter Janiyah in the tutorial because she strives to keep her children learning all summer long. Like many CSFP parents, Jonelle takes advantage of every resource available to keep her children from falling behind in the summer. Jonelle uses the Bridge Summer Learning Workbooks, and enrolls her children in free and low-cost summer camps, like the camps listed here. This year, she enrolled her daughter in the CSFP tutorial.

Two weeks in, Janiyah says that she has made progress in math, and enjoys the writing lessons. She is an avid reader and writer, and loves the prompts for writing assignments she has been given at the tutorial. And though coding is new and challenging to her, Janiyah says it has been worthwhile.

We will be checking in with more students as the program concludes this week, so please check back to learn more!

CSFP would like to thank the Lindback Foundation, and the Leo J. Niessen Charitable Trust, for their generous support of this program. We would also like to thank the Honickman Learning Center for hosting us.