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Fourteenth Annual Visit to the Academy of Natural Sciences Brings CSFP Community Together

On March 16, CSFP families flocked to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University to see exhibits on dinosaurs, butterflies, natural history, and even Mythic Creatures, as part of our annual visit. Families and volunteers spent the day exploring, questioning, and learning new things together.

The importance of immersive learning experiences like those offered at the Academy of Natural Sciences is well-established. CSFP began offering discounted admission for CSFP families to tour the Academy back in 2005, so that families with children in our scholarship program could spend some quality time together at one of our city’s great educational institutions at little cost. Since then, we’ve expanded our supplemental program offerings, and now host trips to different local cultural institutions throughout the year, including a visit to the Independence Seaport Museum and the Adventure Aquarium.

CSFP would like to thank our fantastic Parent Ambassadors and volunteers for helping the day go so smoothly, our event sponsors: J&J Snack Foods Corp. and Vincent Giordano Corporation for making the event possible, and the Academy of Natural Sciences for hosting us again this year.

For photos from the event, check out our Facebook page!