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Dinosaurs, Frogs, Butterflies, and More Attract CSFP Families to the Academy of Natural Sciences

On March 11 and 12, over 500 CSFP families visited the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University as part of CSFP’s annual Weekend at the Academy event. For 12 years, CSFP has opened the doors to the Academy for the families of children in our program by providing greatly-reduced admission rates for one weekend in the winter. One of our most popular supplemental programs, the Weekend at the Academy allows families to spend quality time together and explore what Philadelphia has to offer, even when the weather is as frigid as it was last weekend.
Over this two-day event, CSFP families toured the Academy’s diverse collection, learning about the environment and the world around them. CSFP’s youngest students got their hands dirty playing paleontologist as they dug up fossils in the Big Dig, while their older siblings learned about the proboscis in the Butterflies! room. Many families stated that access to the museum through CSFP’s discounted rate is what brought them there for the first time.
“I can’t believe I’ve lived in Philadelphia for so long and haven’t been here yet!” said CSFP parent Erica of the Academy. “This is so cool; I love looking at the dioramas. My daughter was excited to come, and she loves it!”
CSFP is grateful to the Academy of Natural Sciences for their continued partnership in making this event a success for our families, and to our wonderful donors who make access to schools and cultural enrichment possible for the 5,300 children we serve.