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CSFP’s Second Annual PreK Forum Brings Panel of Local Experts Together

CSFP’s PreK initiative focuses on sharing information about quality early childhood education with Philadelphia parents and our partner schools. As part of our PreK initiative, CSFP provides opportunities for our partner schools to learn from area experts in early childhood education. We hosted our second PreK Forum this February. 

CSFP assembled a panel of experts for this session, including representatives from Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Keystone STARS, and PHLpreK. Panelists spoke about their respective programs and answered questions from CSFP partner school administrators. They shared best practices and resources for schools to grow PreK programs, enter the Keystone STARS rating system, and earn subsidies along the way. 

CSFP school representatives remarked that learning from each other’s experiences is helpful, and that hearing about the “hurdles that other schools have overcome as they went through this process” helps them think about the ways in which their schools may transform. We’re excited to be facilitating these conversations, and grateful for the opportunity to work with such a large community dedicated to helping children succeed. 

CSFP would like to thank the William Penn Foundation for making our PreK initiative possible, the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce for hosting the event, and Le Pain Quotidien for providing refreshments. Together, we can ensure quality education for every Philadelphia child.