Now in our third year of the Parent Ambassador (PA) program, CSFP will work with 45 parents of children in our program to build community this school year. PAs help CSFP spread the word about our scholarships, liaise with school administrators, and work to ensure that CSFP families get the most out of their scholarships. This year, PAs will work in 43 schools throughout the city, serving a majority of CSFP scholarship recipients and their families.
On August 8, CSFP welcomed this year’s cohort of PAs at an orientation held at the Honickman Learning Center. At the training, PAs learned more about CSFP scholarship processes, strategies for peer-to-peer engagement and outreach, and background on CSFP’s pre-K initiative. Our 45 PAs, some new to this program, some returning, shared best practices and strategies to engage their school communities and help CSFP administer its program.
We are excited to work with these dedicated parents this school year! For pictures of the orientation, please check out our Facebook page.